
Parking Information

Welcome to the Clifford Street Parking Facility. We ask that you read these policies and procedures to ensure trouble-free parking. This agreement provides access to unreserved parking space for an initial period of one month, renewable at the discretion of the RI Convention Center/SMG.


  • Clifford Street Garage
  • 75 Clifford Street, Providence, Rhode Island 02903
  • Main: 401.458.6000
  • Garage: 401.458.6338

Access Information

  • Use Prox-Card at entrance and exit
  • One vehicle access per time period
  • Must exit before next entry is allowed
  • Restricted access cards have time limits

Fees and Payments

  • Due by the first day of each month
  • Pay by cash, check, or credit/debit card
  • No separate invoices sent
  • $25.00 fee for returned checks
  • Cards cancelled if unpaid by 5th of month

Parking Policies

  • Park within designated space lines
  • Handicapped spaces for authorized vehicles only
  • Passes are non-transferable
  • Report lost cards immediately ($20 replacement fee)

Additional Policies

Forgotten Cards

If you forget your card, get a ticket upon entry and report to the Garage office before exiting. A Supervisor will determine the action to be taken.

Cancellation and Reinstatement

Notify the Garage office if cancelling to avoid additional charges. $10.00 fee for reinstating cancelled accounts. Reinstatement does not guarantee space availability.

Prorated Fees

Initial purchases effective on or after the 15th of the month will be charged half the monthly fee. This does not apply to cancelled cards.

Temporary Suspensions

Management may suspend parking privileges for unexpected situations. Advance notice will be given when possible. Adjustments made for suspensions exceeding 3 days.

Designated Parking Areas

The RI Convention Center may require monthly parking customers to use specific areas of the facility. Signs will be posted and personnel available to assist.

Important Notice

This contract is for access to parking ONLY. Neither the RI Convention Center/SMG nor its representatives shall be responsible for your vehicle(s) or its (their) contents. By signing the Monthly Parking Agreement, you agree to these policies and procedures.

For additional parking information or to report any issues, please contact the Garage office.

(401) 458-6338